The Tangimoana Boat Ramp has been constructed and maintained by local volunteers for many years, using mainly donated materials.  It has been located at various sites near the Rangitikei River mouth.

The current location for the Ramp, is at the end of an unsealed access road, turning RIGHT off Tangimoana Beach Road just before the recycling area.

The Ramp is OWNED BY NOBODY.  It is situated on Iwi land with permission, on the conditionn that it remains free access for all.  It is the only coastal boat ramp in the Manawatu District.

After cyclone Gabrielle, it became apparent that a fundraising organisation was needed for the Ramp.  Since there was NO OWNER it meant that flood recovery funds could not be provided. The creation of the Ramp Charity ensures that any donated funds or grants would be protected, and only used for the intended purpose.

Tangimoana Boat Ramp Charity Incorporated has Charitable status, and is registered with IRD.  100% of all donations/grants received will be spent on construction/maintenance of the Ramp, and the gravel road leading to it off Tangimoana Beach Road.  This is stipulated in the RULES of the Incoporation, and is overseen by 4 ‘officers’ of the Charity:  President; Vice-president; Secretary; Treasurer.  It addition to these ‘officers', there is a membership of 15 locals to meet once a year to provide transparency and oversight.

feel free to contact us:

© Tangimoana Boat Ramp Charity Incorporated 2025